
Aspiring Software Engineer | Java, Python, C Enthusiast | Passionate about Problem Solving and Innovation

About Me

I am a Computer Science major at the University of Central Florida with a strong foundation in Python, C, and Java. I have collaborated on a few impactful projects and am passionate about problem-solving and innovation. I am constantly seeking opportunities to learn and grow in the field of AI, with a particular interest in machine learning, neural networks, and data science. My goal is to leverage these technologies to develop intelligent systems that can transform industries and improve lives. I am dedicated to staying updated with the latest advancements in AI and continuously enhancing my skills to become a proficient AI engineer.


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A web application that will serve as a "all in one" organization dashboard. Includes a habit tracker, calender, weather, to do list, and notes.

Pomodoro Website

A web application that maximizes students study time with a timer and a task list. After finishing a task, the web application will reward them with a sticker.